How to participate: Read carefully and do not skip any step. Post a photo or video on the ELI Community. The picture/video should communicate what Carnaval is from your perspective. Be creative! For example: a video with you and your friends having fun with costumes in the streets of Dublin. - The picture must be easy to identify, not pixeled or blurring. - All obscene content will be automatically disregarded. - Add to the post the hashtag #ELIDublinCarnaval #CarnavalExperience - Share the post with your other ELI friends and ask them to like it. - The 5 most creative posts/with more likes will win! We will announce the winners on Friday 17, at 4pm through the ELI Community. This applies only to ELI students 2 tickets per student (you can bring someone to the Party!)
Posted by ELICommunity at 2023-02-16 19:07:37 UTC