Hi everyone, I hope you had a great holiday period and a happy new year. I would just like to refresh your memories of the attendance policy that you must follow as part of your visa. Class starts at 9am in the morning and 1pm or 1:45pm in the afternoon. If you regularly arrive after this (even five minutes), you will be marked late and lose attendance for the period of the class. There is a grace period of a maximum of 15 minutes which is there to cover your bus not arriving, your bike breaking etc. This is for emergency use only. If you regularly arrive to class 15 minutes late every day, you will be marked absent for that period. Students will also be marked absent for a period if they return late from breaks, leave class early or spend extended time out of class. Please try your best to arrive on time, as we do not wish you to be in trouble with GNIB. If you have any questions, please email me at darragh@elischools.com or you can talk to me in the office.
Posted by Deleted (bcc09209) at 2023-01-05 13:36:33 UTC